Thursday, 7 June 2012


Coming together in a family is like passenger travelling together in a train, they laugh, share, look after each other during their journey but when station comes no one says i miss the train, or station because i like the company of co passenger's.there is love for the co passenger but no attachment .WE NEED TO FOLLOW THIS APPROACH TOWARDS FAMILY MEMBERS,
Family members also need space in life, attachment leads to clinging which young people do not appreciate.Instead of a controlling attitude our attempt should be to be ready to do something for their welfare, while giving them enough elbow room in life,so LOVE SHOULD BE BUT NO ATTACHMENT,AS THEY NEED THEIR OWN SPACE IN LIFE .That is good for every one.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


To lead a good and healthy life save the planet,we are living in that time where we have to think of protecting the planet which gives us so much,never did we think of protecting it ,it is the planet who took care of us now it is our time to protect it.
To preseerve and taking care is no different from thinking for a good life for ourself because there is no good life without a good planet,we are looking for ecological concern as an obligation but it is not an obligation it is our life,the breath that we inhale and exhale is just that.
If we do not care for it than we will ruin the whole world we have to pay price for it,to raise the voice is our duty and if few peoplecan do little i think mother earth will be glad and bounce back. we have to just give her a chance mother will give back a lot if we do not harm the rest will take place by itself it is our duty as our generation do not suffer in our life if we can not do for ourself no problem but what we can do we should or we are useless.


We wish to wear high brands but we feel  more comfort in simple dresses,
We wish to sit in a five star hotel with Elite people but we enjoy roadside,
vendor food with friends,
We wish to own big cars and go for a long drive yet we talk our heart out,
only while walking down on a long road.
We have 64GB ipods filled with songs but some times a song on radio ,
brings a smile that can not be compared.
Life is simple indeed but we make it complex,by running after what never gives,
us real happiness.
We shouldn't chase luxuries and Glamour blindly , let us focus on the peace of,


Just another chapter in my life gone like the wind,
felt once in a breeze disappear when i blink.
pushing you away was hard and unsure now i
see it wasn't me but you being the who're.

Life has shown me what i am made of,
you  have left me shaken up,
rough like every other relationship,
you remind me why i never trust,
love or cry,

You can't judge me for i never let you in,
Only allowed you to read an intro my story,
within,you can lie deny pretend I am not there,
Friends would probably be best ,but would that,
be worth it to care?

you think you are so numb , i see what you mean ,
being a sweat heart and heartless,now you have,
contradicated yourself,like you said i do,
think back ,don't you understand.

things might be different now,to start with i knew i would not ,
want you around to me you are just a friend 'now i doubt we can,
really be a friend but still  heartless heart says yes you are.
my  great and special friend

Monday, 4 June 2012


Just another chapter in my life gone like the wind,
felt once in a breeze disappear when i blink,
pushing you away was hard and unsure ,now,
 i see i wasn't me but you being the whore

Life has shown me what i am made of,
you have left me shaken up rough like,
every other relationship ,you remind me ,
why i never trust ,love,or cry,you can not,
judge me for i never let you in,only allowed ,
you read an intro to my story within, you can,
lie,deny, pretend i am not there.

friends would probably be best but would that be,
worth it to care?you think you are so numb,
i see what you mean being a sweat heart and heartless,
now you have understood yourself, like you said i do,
think back don't you understand,things might be different,
now to start with i know i wouldn't want you around,
to me you are just a friend now i doubt we can really be ,
a friend as my heartless sweat heart says you are my sweat ,
and special friend hard to forget though being heartless,

Monday, 19 March 2012


When i wake early in the morning,
A brand new day i see,
I lift my head up to the sky and,
thank God for letting me to be me.

Uncertain as to what the day will,
Don't know what lies a head not,
sure of my future work,
I ask God to guide me on my path.

The birds sing their sweet, sweet,
The bees hum their precious melody,
The winds blow where it wishes,
All coming together in perfect harmony.

Down the ground the ants find their prey,
and the squirrel rambles from tree,
The gopher finds it place a hole,
and the rabbit rooms aimlessly.

The beautiful lily blooms bright and fair,
The roses are red, pink, and white,
The dandelions are ready for picking,
and the grass is green and full bright.

How blue and beautiful the sky is above?
How lovely the stream and river and sea are?
And each new day ,I open my eye,
I thank GOD for letting me be me.


Sunday, 4 March 2012


We are happy that you were our teacher,
We enjoyed lessons you taught, as you ,
were our role model. you inspired us to,
dream and to work and succeed.

With  your kindness you got our attention,
Every day you planted seeds of curiosity,
and motivated us to grow and succeed.

You helped us full fill our potential,
you helped us to understand good,
and bad write and wrong ,and to ,
follow correct path in life .
We are thankful  for all you  have,
done, We admire you each day and ,
We just want to say as a ,

Friday, 2 March 2012


When i held you first time,
my life began to shine,
I knew then this life was,
not just mine.

I would do what it takes,
to help you correct ,
your mistakes,
To get by the challenges,
you may face in life.

For your freedom ,
many have fought,
Some days will be,
Good, others will not,
Always thank GOD,

The world is not perfect,
as you see,
Having you here made it,
better for me,
When you 're in need,
by your side I'll be.
for you are my daughter for ETERNITY.


Father's heart is a pillow,
that you can rest,
A father's heart is a pill,
that cures your illness.

A father's  heart is a tissue,
that can wipe your tears,
A father's heart is muscles,
that picks you up.

A father's heart is a cloth,
that you wear to cover,
A father's heart is money,
that brings food to the table,

A fathers heart is a pencil,
that writes your future,
A father;s heart is love,
that you fall in,

A father's heart is that,
takes care of you,
though you do not understand,
but you love him and his ways.

Saturday, 25 February 2012


I was sitting on a bench,
while on a near by mall,
when i noticed a young mother,
with two children who were small.

The youngest one was whining,
'pick me up' , i heard him beg,
but the mothers face grew angry,
as the child clung to her leg,

Don't hang on to me she shouted,
as she pushed his hand away,
I wished I'd  have the courage ,
to go up to her and say,,,,.

'The time will come quickly ,
when those little arms that tug,
won't ask for you to hold them,
or won't freely give hug,.

'The day will sneak up subtly.
just as it did with, me  ,
when you can't recall the,
last time your child sat,
on your knee.

'Like those sacred ,
predawn feelings,
when we cherished,
time alone ,our babies,
grow and leave behind,
those special times we've known.

'So when your child comes to you,
with a book that you can share,
or ask that you would tuck him on,
and help him to say his prayers,.

'when he comes to sit or chat,
or would like to take a walk,
before you answer that you,
can;t because , no time to talk.
Remember what all parent learn,
so many times late, they years go,
by to quickly and that childhood,
doesn't wait.

'Take every opportunity ,
if one should slip away,
reach hard to get it back,
again don't wait for another day.

I watched the mother walk away,
Her children followed near,,
I hope she' PICK THEM UP',

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


O auspicious Lord Ganesh.
we salute you, again, and again,
of all gods , you are the main, First to be worshiped and invoked near,
First to be remembered  to all ever dear.
 O beautiful lord ganesh,
we worship you again and again,
may your grace on us ever rain,
Every house has your sacred shrine,
shower on us your blessing divine.
O merciful lord Ganesh.
we bow to you again and again,
Remove our troubles, remove our pain,
Remove our sorrow , remove our strife,
Remove  the obstacles from our life.
O benevolent lord we pray to you,
again and again, turn all our losses into gain,
Grant us happiness, grant us health,
Grant us wisdom, and wealth.
O powerful lords son of lord,
shiva and parvati we remember ,
you again and again, may everybody be healthy
every mind sane, Remove our every calamity,

Friday, 27 January 2012


Ingredients; -          for pakodas;    1/2cup besan. 1 onion chopped, 1 or 2 chilli cut, a pinch of baking soda 1tsp fenugreek leaves, salt to taste oil to fry pokada                                                                                                
   Method for pakoda ; mix all ingredients as said above and make a batter , keep it for 15 minutes then take a pan pour oil and heat it then make small roles from the batter and fry it dip . keep it in one side .                        
For kadi;  2cup sour curd ,2tbs besan 1/2 cup water 1tspginger garlic paste 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds, 1/2 tbs musterd seeds 1/2 tbs turmic powder a pinch of hing {asafoetida} 2 dry red chillies and salt to taste if want can take red chilly powder..                                                                                                                                    
Method for kadi ; beat curd , besan and water and keep aside take oil in microwave safe bowl add all masala and heat it at100% power for 2 minutes.  then add curd besan mixture and heat it at100%for 5 to 6 minutes and add pokaras and microwave at the same % for 2 minutes  and then serve with chappatis or rice,

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Attitude is Everything Movie

Attitude is Everything Movie: Attitudes truly are contagious! Is yours worth catching? Take a 3 minute break to learn how to stay positive because our attitude not only impacts our own happiness but impacts the happiness and success of all the people around, friends, and peers at work.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Masala Wada

Ingredients ;-3 cup chana dal                                                                                                                            
                    2 onions cut into large pieces                                                                                                        
                     few green chillies cut into large pieces                                                                                          
                     salt for taste and few curry leaves and oil to fry                                                                      
    METHOD ;- soak dal for two hours.,drain and use only dal                                                                          
                         2, Put the dal in the mixerand grind it do not add water grind it for 5seconds checkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the condition of the dal the dal csould be ground very coarse even, remove and keep aside in the same way grind the other dal.                                                                                                                                      
2. put large bit of onion and chilli into the jar and grind for 2 secondadd this with salt, curry leaves to the grinded dal                                                                                                                                                                  
3 ,shape into round wadas and deep fry in hot oil till crisp , serve with chutny.   

Karpur Gauram Karunaavtaaram (कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं )

Na Mantram No Yantram

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Dog adopts kittens

Dog adopts kittens

Five Ingredients to Succeed

Five Ingredients to Succeed



Life to Enjoy

Life to Enjoy

pongal in south and makar sankranti in north India.

 Makar sankranati  celabrated in north india on 14th January , on the same day pongal is celabrated in south india it is grand THREEdays event , this day 14 th january is celebrated all over India with prayers festivities and harvest feast.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  PONGAL is celebration of prosperity  and happiness and well being this is the time of the year when farmers reap rewards. PONGAL means boiling when pot of milk is full and  boils over it , it symbolises a good harvest and is also the celebration for work well done,people dance and feast on sweat pongal chanting PONGALO ,PONGALO ,DANCE LIKE KUMI ARE UNIQUE TO PONGAL..Real spirit of pongal is in rural south India.days before the pongal  cleaniing the home and surrounding is done.                    
daybefore pongal is called BHOGI the things that are not wanted are burnt in a bonfire so that a new beginning of the year is made on a clean slate as sugar cane is harvested in janury people buy the entire tree and decorate the entrance   new cloths people wear ,women draw kolam out side their front door.                  
 second day is MATTU PONGAL cattles are bathed and decorated then taken for a walk around the village to receive gifts. in complet contrast of the holy cow is JALLIKATTU AN RURAL ANCIENT SPORT WHOLE VILLAGE GATHER TO SEE, OF TAMING THE WILD BULL CHASE AKIN ..                    
The third day is KANUM PONGAL. WHERE PEOPLE GO OUTING WITH FAMILY.The signifinance of pongal is to celebrate the festival known as makar sankranti according to hindu calendar sankranti marks the movement of earth from one zodic to another. it is also suns movement to uttarayana from dakshinaya.        
All over the country it is celebrated , in gujarat people fly kites.prepare tal sankli, oondhiya as in this month all kind of vegetables are available. sankranti is celebrated all over India ,on this day people takedip in rivers and pry to lord,but new avatar of tamil nadu of pongal is shopping watching movieson t,v or going to multiplex  IF WANT TO ENJOY TRUE PONGAL IT IS IN RURAL TAMIL NADU  you get to see.

Sunday, 15 January 2012