Thursday, 7 June 2012


Coming together in a family is like passenger travelling together in a train, they laugh, share, look after each other during their journey but when station comes no one says i miss the train, or station because i like the company of co passenger's.there is love for the co passenger but no attachment .WE NEED TO FOLLOW THIS APPROACH TOWARDS FAMILY MEMBERS,
Family members also need space in life, attachment leads to clinging which young people do not appreciate.Instead of a controlling attitude our attempt should be to be ready to do something for their welfare, while giving them enough elbow room in life,so LOVE SHOULD BE BUT NO ATTACHMENT,AS THEY NEED THEIR OWN SPACE IN LIFE .That is good for every one.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


To lead a good and healthy life save the planet,we are living in that time where we have to think of protecting the planet which gives us so much,never did we think of protecting it ,it is the planet who took care of us now it is our time to protect it.
To preseerve and taking care is no different from thinking for a good life for ourself because there is no good life without a good planet,we are looking for ecological concern as an obligation but it is not an obligation it is our life,the breath that we inhale and exhale is just that.
If we do not care for it than we will ruin the whole world we have to pay price for it,to raise the voice is our duty and if few peoplecan do little i think mother earth will be glad and bounce back. we have to just give her a chance mother will give back a lot if we do not harm the rest will take place by itself it is our duty as our generation do not suffer in our life if we can not do for ourself no problem but what we can do we should or we are useless.


We wish to wear high brands but we feel  more comfort in simple dresses,
We wish to sit in a five star hotel with Elite people but we enjoy roadside,
vendor food with friends,
We wish to own big cars and go for a long drive yet we talk our heart out,
only while walking down on a long road.
We have 64GB ipods filled with songs but some times a song on radio ,
brings a smile that can not be compared.
Life is simple indeed but we make it complex,by running after what never gives,
us real happiness.
We shouldn't chase luxuries and Glamour blindly , let us focus on the peace of,


Just another chapter in my life gone like the wind,
felt once in a breeze disappear when i blink.
pushing you away was hard and unsure now i
see it wasn't me but you being the who're.

Life has shown me what i am made of,
you  have left me shaken up,
rough like every other relationship,
you remind me why i never trust,
love or cry,

You can't judge me for i never let you in,
Only allowed you to read an intro my story,
within,you can lie deny pretend I am not there,
Friends would probably be best ,but would that,
be worth it to care?

you think you are so numb , i see what you mean ,
being a sweat heart and heartless,now you have,
contradicated yourself,like you said i do,
think back ,don't you understand.

things might be different now,to start with i knew i would not ,
want you around to me you are just a friend 'now i doubt we can,
really be a friend but still  heartless heart says yes you are.
my  great and special friend

Monday, 4 June 2012


Just another chapter in my life gone like the wind,
felt once in a breeze disappear when i blink,
pushing you away was hard and unsure ,now,
 i see i wasn't me but you being the whore

Life has shown me what i am made of,
you have left me shaken up rough like,
every other relationship ,you remind me ,
why i never trust ,love,or cry,you can not,
judge me for i never let you in,only allowed ,
you read an intro to my story within, you can,
lie,deny, pretend i am not there.

friends would probably be best but would that be,
worth it to care?you think you are so numb,
i see what you mean being a sweat heart and heartless,
now you have understood yourself, like you said i do,
think back don't you understand,things might be different,
now to start with i know i wouldn't want you around,
to me you are just a friend now i doubt we can really be ,
a friend as my heartless sweat heart says you are my sweat ,
and special friend hard to forget though being heartless,